Marriage License How to Process it.
A marriage license is a legal document/ permit issued by the state that authorizes a person and his/her soon to be spouse to marry anywhere in the Philippines. The marriage License is a legal confirmation from the state that both parties are free and allowed to get married.
Marriage License is a document procured by a couple, issued either by the church or a state authority which gives the couple authority to get married.
A marriage license is a requirement in civil or Church weddings. No wedding will be initiated in the absence of a marriage license.
Application for the marriage license is process in Local Civil Registrar (LCR) Office of your city or Municipality.
Requirements will vary from city to city, so you should coordinate directly to your city Local Civil Registrar Office.
Important facts on the Marriage License.
1. The family code of the Philippines allows marriage of people who met the following requirements:
a. A male and a female
b. At least 18 years old
c. Not blood relatives up to the fourth civil degree (i.e., cousins, siblings, etc.)
d. Free of legal impediments such as being previously married to someone else (unless annulled, divorced, or widowed)
2. Marriage license is valid anywhere in the Philippines for 120 days from the date of issue. The marriage license is considered void upon its expiration date.
Requirements for Marriage License Application
1. Certified true copy of birth certificate/baptismal certificate.
3. Certificate of Residency
4. Recent 1 x 1 ID photo of both applicants
5. Accomplished the Marriage License Application form
6. Additional requirements:
- Affidavit of parental consent for – Bride and/or groom aged 18 to 20
- Affidavit of parental advice – Bride and/or groom aged 21 to 25
- Widowed – Death certificate of the deceased spouse
- Annulled previous marriage – Court decision and decree of absolute finality
- Divorced: Final decree of absolute divorce
- Foreigners: Valid passport and Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage or any equivalent document issued by a foreign embassy in the Philippines (instead of the birth/baptismal certificate and CENOMAR)
Application for Marriage License requires the personal appearance of applicants and is process in the Local Civil Registrar Office.
Here’s the Steps in applying for Marriage
1. Attached to the Accomplished Marriage License Application the following:
- Certified true copy of birth certificate/baptismal certificate
- Recent 1 x 1 ID photo of both applicants
- Recent 1 x 1 ID photo of both applicants
2. Both Applicant should submit together the accomplished Marriage application with the attachment to Local Civil Registrar’s Office in the city or municipality where you or your partner reside.
3. The designated officer of the Local Civil Registrar will then check your application and the supporting requirements. If your application is complete then the designated officer will ask you to pay the license fee.
4. Pay the marriage license fee to the City treasurer’s office and give a copy of the official receipt to the Local Civil Registrar designated officer. Marriage license cost varies per city or municipalities. Price ranges from Php 350 to 500.00
5. Attend the required pre-marriage counseling and family planning seminar.
6. Get the Certificate of Attendance after your seminar then submit it to the LCR office.
7. Ask the designated officer when to come back to claim your marriage license.
8. Claim your Marriage license on the date advised by the designated officer. There will be 2 copies to be issued – one for your personal copy and the another one to be given to the solemnizing officer.
Once you have the Marriage License you can now plan your wedding Ceremony.
- Arrange a date for your wedding.
- Arrange the place and the solemnizing Officer
- Inform and invite at least two witnesses.
- Choose your Wedding Reception
Certificate of Title in the Philippines
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